Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 31st - Day to Quit Facebook?

Now, hold on just a minute.

Quit Facebook? There's a website asking you to join their cause and pledge to do just that.


Okay, I agree the recent changes to the privacy settings on Facebook have gone too far. And having been tinkering around in the privacy settings for years, I also agree that the language has gone from really easy to understand, to nearly impossible to make heads or tails of.

And pre-checking a box that opts-me in to a setting that opens up my privacy without asking me first? Pretty lame, Zukerberg. Read some of the problems with these new settings, here.

But I'll be the first to say this throwing-the-baby-out approach is not the answer.

Community rules, and we need to use this power wisely and swiftly. The new changes are not great, but they are also not nearly as bad as the media is making it out to be. Don't panic. There are plenty of blogs that explain these changes and how to set your privacy. Beth's Blog has a great how-to here.

So my recommendation is to take measures to protect your privacy and ride out the storm. There is something interesting about the idea of Open Graph, but I don't think all generations are quite ready for this much sharing...yet.

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